
Integrate an agent app on your website with a widget

Public AirOps Agent

Add the following HTML:

<script src="https://assets.airops.com/widget/index.js"></script>

Private AirOps Agent

Private AirOps Agents require authentication using three pieces of information:

  • Workspace ID

  • User ID (an identifier for the user in your application)

  • Hashed User ID

Here's how to hash the User ID using your workspace's API key on your back-end server.

require "openssl"

def user_id_hash
  api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY" # your workspace token (keep safe!)
  user_id = "YOUR_USER_ID"

  # Convert your api key to bytes
  key = api_key.encode("utf-8")

  # Hash the message using HMAC-SHA256 and the key
  hash = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256', key, user_id)
<script src="https://assets.airops.com/widget/index.js"></script>

AirOps App with Variables

Let's assume that the AirOps App we are going to integrate requires the following variables:

  • first_name

  • last_name

<script src="https://assets.airops.com/widget/index.js"></script>

Programmatically Initialize

If you need to fetch your hashed user id from a server or gather user input as variables, you may prefer not to initialize the widget automatically. Use the following:

<script src="https://assets.airops.com/widget/index.js"></script>

Then, you will have a global window.AirOps object that has the following signature:

type InitializeArg = {
  auth?: {
    hashedUserId?: string;
    userId?: string;
    workspaceId?: number;
  variables: Record<string, string>;

window.AirOps = {
  appType?: 'chat';
  error?: string;
  intialize: (arg: InitializeArg) => void;
  deactivate: () => void;
  methods: {
    close: () => void;
    open: () => void;
    toggle: () => void;
    setVariables: (variables: Record<string, string>) => void;
  status: 'not-initialized' | 'initializing' | 'initialized' | 'missing-variables' | 'error';

So, you can do:

window.AirOps.initialize({ auth : { YOUR_AUTH_DATA }, variables: { YOU_VARIABLES } });
// note that both auth and variables are not required for this.

Overview of Attributes

  • data-airops-widget: Specifies the AirOps App's UUID to be used.

  • data-airops-init: Set this attribute to "true" to initialize the widget on page load.

  • data-airops-variable-*: Use this to pass a value for the variable * when executing the AirOps App.

  • data-airops-hashed-user-id: The unique hashed User ID, generated using the API key of your workspace on your back-end server.

  • data-airops-user-id: The identifier for the user in your application, used in conjunction with the API key to generate the hashed User ID.

  • data-airops-workspace-id: Your workspace ID, which is specific to your AirOps environment and can be found in your workspace settings.

Last updated