Integrate your Workflow with WordPress
The WordPress Integration allows you to create posts on your WordPress site.
Generate an Application Password in WordPress
Go to your Wordpress Admin dashboard
Go to the users index (i.e. mywordpress.com/wp-admin/users.php)
Click on “Edit” on an administrator user profile to authenticate requests with
Scroll down to the section “Application Passwords”
Create a new Application Password with the name "AirOps"
Save the generated password
Save the user name of the user that holds the Application Password
Add the Application Password to AirOps
Find the section for WordPress integration and click the "Configure" button
In the modal that appears, paste the saved user name and password
Click "Add" to complete the setup
Security Note: Treat your Application Password like a normal password. It provides REST API access to your WordPress site, and it should not be shared. Store it securely and only use it in server-side or secure/authenticated environments.
Why can't I see Application Passwords when editing a user?
Application Passwords are available from WordPress 5.6 onwards
Most security plugins control whether this feature is enabled or not. Check your Security plugins and configure them so that Application Passwords is enabled.
If you use Solid Security plugin follow this guide.
I created an Application Password but I can't see the generated password.
This usually happens when a plugin overrides css/js in Wordpress. In order to see the password you need to follow these steps:
Go to the user profile where you want to create an Application Password
Open the Dev Tools in your browser (right click then inspect)
Fill the input for the Application Password name and submit it
Open the console tab in the Dev Tools
Paste the following Javascript line:
document.querySelector('.new-application-password-notice input').value
Save the value, this is your password
Where can I find more information about Application Passwords?
Functions and Their Parameters
Create Post
WordPress URL
The URL to your WordPress site (i.e. mywordpress.com/blog). If you are using a Network of sites (WordPress MultiSite) this is the URL to one of your sites (not the network).
Title Tag
Content (HTML)
Author ID
Featured Media ID
Last updated