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Folders helps you categorize and structure your workflows, grids, and other assets for easier management and collaboration. They function similar to folders in a file system, allowing you to create a hierarchical structure that keeps your workspace clean and your projects well-organized.
Folders help you organize your workflows and grids into logical groupings.
Click the "Create" button and select "Folder" from the dropdown menu
Give your folder a descriptive name that reflects its contents
Use folders to organize by project, client, department, or workflow type
You can easily move existing workflows and grids into folders to maintain an organized workspace.
Select the checkbox next to the items you want to move
Click "Create Folder from Selection" or use the "Move to" option in the context menu
You can also drag and drop items into existing folders for quick organization
When a folder is no longer needed, you can remove it from your workspace.
Click the three-dot menu next to the folder name
Select "Delete Folder" from the dropdown options
Note that deleting a folder does not delete its contents - items will be moved back to the root level