The "Google Search" Step allows you to automate a Google Search and pass the results as input into your Workflows.
Configuring a "Google Search" Step
Configuring the step requires setting the three different parameters shown below:
Search Query
The "Search Query" input field is the exact phrase that will be Googled when the step runs, i.e. what do you want to search in Google?
To search from a specific site, you can type followed by your search phrase
Search Parameters
To narrow down the results of your search, you can configure specific parameters based on the SERP API documentation:
For example:
Search within a specific region
Limit the number of results returned
Enable or disable similar/omitted results
When filtering by one or multiple parameters, it is important that you format them as JSON. Similarly, the expected output of the Google Search Step will be formatted as JSON, as shown in the example below.
To dynamically set variables as query or search parameters referencing an input (defined in the "Start" step) or output variable ( generated by any step), you will need to use Liquid syntax:
Output Types
The following Output Types are currently supported by the "Google Search" Step:
Links Only: A list with links to the organic URL results.
Title, Snippet, Links (Markdown): Title, Snippet and Links for each organic result in Markdown format.
**Six skills you need to become an AI prompt engineer**
Six skills you need to become an AI prompt engineer · 1. Understand AI, ML, and NLP · 2. Define problem statements clearly and specify detailed ...
**Prompt engineering**
Prompt engineering is the process of structuring text that can be interpreted and understood by a generative AI model. ... A prompt is natural language text ...
**What is prompt engineering?**
Prompt engineering is the practice of designing inputs for generative AI tools that will produce optimal outputs.
Organic Results (JSON): Organic results in JSON format.
"position": 1,
"title": "Six skills you need to become an AI prompt engineer",
"link": "",
"displayed_link": " › ... › Artificial Intelligence",
"favicon": "",
"date": "Oct 3, 2023",
"snippet": "Six skills you need to become an AI prompt engineer · 1. Understand AI, ML, and NLP · 2. Define problem statements clearly and specify detailed ...",
"snippet_highlighted_words": [
"prompt engineer"
"about_page_link": "",
"about_page_serpapi_link": "",
"cached_page_link": "",
"source": "ZDNet"
Raw: Complete results from Serp API in JSON format.