Application Inputs

Define the UI and API input values for your Workflows

How to Add Input Variables

Application Inputs are variables you can set at runtime and use inside of your Workflows.

1. Click the "Configure" button on your Start step

2. Select your input type

You will be prompted to first choose your desired "Input Type." This determines both the user interface and the data type of your input value:

3. Customize the input field

See the next section for a full list of supported types to decide what works best for your use-case. Continue to populate the remaining fields of your Application Input:

  • Label: a descriptive label for the name of your input

  • Variable Name: the name of your input as a variable, which will be referenced as liquid syntax in your steps. By default, the variable name is automatically generated when you add a label, but it can be customized to be separate

  • Hint: helper text that appears below your input on the application page

  • Placeholder: example value that will be overwritten by your input value

  • Default Value: a default value used if no other input value is provided, this is useful for API calls

  • Required: determines whether or not the input is required for your Application to run successfully

Input Types

Choosing the correct input type is important for the success of your application.

Basic Input Types

Basic input types allow users to type information or select options from a dropdown:

  • Short Text: A single-line text field

  • Long Text: A multi-line text field

  • Single Select: Allows the user to choose one option from a list

  • Multi Select: Allows the user to choose multiple options from a list

Advanced Input Types

Advanced input types allow users to pass in JSON, files, databases, or numbers as inputs:

Apps with file inputs cannot be published as public apps

  • JSON: Allows the user to pass a JSON object or list

  • File Text: Allows the user to upload a .pdf, .txt, .docx, .md file that is converted into text

  • File Media: Allows the user to upload a .mp3, .mp4, .wav, .jpg, .png, .webp file which is converted into a downloadable link

  • File CSV: Allows the user to upload a .csv file which is transformed into a list of JSON objects

  • Data Sources: Allows the user to connect to a data source that has been added in AirOps

  • Number: Allows the user to pass a numerical string that is interpreted as a number instead of a string

If you input a number using Short Text or Long Text, it will be interpreted as a string - e.g. 3 will be interpreted as "3". Instead, use the Number input type to pass a number.

Input Specifications

Detailed specifications on the input types and resulting data types:

Input NameInput TypeResulting Data TypeUse Cases

Short Text


Long Text




Allow the user to select one option



Allow the user to select multiple options


JSON or List

JSON or List

Create an API that accepts a JSON payload

File Text

.pdf, .txt, .docx, .md


Generate summaries or insights from PDFs

File Media

.mp3, .mp4, .wav, .jpg, .png, .webp

Downloadable link to file

Transcribe and analyze interviews

File CSV


A list of JSON objects

Iterate over each row of a csv and analyze the results



Run a query on your database



Please note: Files do not have a specific size limit, but large files could impact upload time and server load.


Let's walkthrough defining an input for an application that converts historical text into modern day English.

Last updated