Run Workflows in Grid

Running Workflows in your Grid allows you to process your data with AI workflows efficiently.

Adding as Workflow Column

  • Add a Workflow Column to your Grid

  • Choose a Workflow from the "Workflows" menu

  • Choose existing Grid Columns as Inputs to your Workflow

  • Run the Workflow on your selected rows

Mapping Workflow Outputs to a new Column

Mapping the outputs of your Workflow runs directly in the Grid helps you efficiently view and edit them. After a Workflow has successfully run, you can map its outputs by:

  • Click the Expand Icon on the Workflow cell (it should say 'Success')

  • Hover on the element of the Workflow you want to map to a new column

  • Click 'Add to Column'

That element of the Workflow output is now automatically added as a new column to your current Grid

Last updated