Human Review
Require Human Review of outputs before continuing a workflow
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Require Human Review of outputs before continuing a workflow
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With the Human Review step, the user can be prompted to review, validate, and edit a text value (Single Item) or select and edit multiple values (Multiple Values) before continuing a workflow.
For example, you could create a list of 5 blog titles for a user to select from, ask the user to review and select the titles to publish with a review step, and finally publish the selected content to your blog.
The single item allows the user to edit the text from a single-line text box:
Label the item: the label will automatically create the variable name associated with your label. In the example below, we label our item "Blog Title", which also created the variable blog_title
Assign the value of the item: use Liquid syntax to pass the value that you want the user to edit and review. In the example below, this is {{step_2.output}}
(Optional) Notify a Slack channel: choose a Slack channel which will notify users to review the output
Multiple values allow the user to select and edit multiple values at once:
Set up a list of options:
Generate a list: use an LLM step to generate a list of items, it must be an Array
Label the item: the label will automatically create the variable name associated with your label. In the example below, we label our item "Blog Titles", which also created the variable blog_titles
Assign the value of the item: use Liquid syntax to pass the list you generated in Step 1. In the example below, this is {{step_2.output}}
(Optional) Notify a Slack channel: choose a Slack channel which will notify users to review the output
To reference a single item from the Human Review step, use the variable corresponding to the label you provided.
In this example, we named the item "Blog Title" which created the variable {{step_3.output.blog_title}}
To reference multiple values from the Human Review step, use the variable corresponding to the label you provided.
However, unlike referencing a single item, the output of a multiple value review is a list:
In other words, {{step_3.output.blog_titles}}
from the example above gives the user a list of blog titles. If you want to reference only the first blog title, you would need to modify your syntax to {{step_3.output.blog_titles[0]}}
When a workflow reaches the review step, it pauses the execution, leaves the workflow in a pending state for review, and creates a review session where the user can review the content.
For single items, you can edit the content using markdown syntax.
For multiple values, you can edit the values and select/unselect them.
After editing you can either choose to accept the reviewed content, or cancel the execution.
As you test your workflow, you can access the review session by clicking on "Review":
When you Run Once, the review session will automatically appear, and your user can review the outputs in real-time:
To review executions asynchronously, you can review them in the History tab:
Click on History to view all executions
Filter the Status to Review needed
Click on View in the Actions column
Click on Review to review the output and continue the execution